Symptoms and signs suggestive of low testosterone include erectile dysfunction, low libido, decreased morning erections, loss of body hair, low bone mineral density, gynecomastia (enlarged breasts in men), and small testicles.  Symptoms and signs such as fatigue, depression, anemia, reduced muscle strength, and increased fat mass can suggest low testosterone but are less specific.

Our approach at the Belmont Clinic to testosterone replacement therapy is evidenced based and in-line with the Endocrine Society's guidelines. Testosterone should be administered  only to an adult male who is hypogonadal , as evidenced by clinical symptoms and signs consistent with androgen deficiency and a subnormal morning (8 to 10 AM) serum testosterone concentration on three separate occasions. Ideally, samples should be drawn fasting.

The desirable effects of testosterone administration include virilization / improved sexual function, increase in libido, muscle strength, fat-free mass, and bone density. Other possible benefits are improvement in mood and cognition, although these benefits have not been proved convincingly. 

Undesirable effects related directly to testosterone include acne, prostate disorders (such as benign prostatic hyperplasia [BPH] symptoms), sleep apnea, and erythrocytosis. Testosterone replacement also inhibits sperm production and should not be used in men interested in fertility.  At the Belmont Clinic we provide continuity of care and monitor you to ensure that you achieve normal testosterone levels as well as monitor you for possible side effects of treatment.