A lot of men feel self-conscious about their penis size due to easy access to pornography.  However, the vast majority of men fall within the normal range.  Some men with a normal sized penis will want to increase their penile girth. 

Hyaluronic acid fillers can be used to increase the flaccid girth of the penis. The treatment is done using a topical anesthetic, and then introducing hyaluronic acid fillers between the erectile bodies and the fascia using the cannula technique. The first visit is a consultation with Dr. Soon for assessment, and then two treatments are required.  The initial treatment will improve girth and the second “touch-up” treatment is done approximately one month later to improve symmetry. Each treatment takes approximately one hour. No sexual activity is permitted for 7 days after penile girth enhancement.  We do everything possible to keep you comfortable during the treatment, such as applying topical or local numbing medicine or providing you with relaxing medication if necessary. You will be provided with aftercare instructions.

Although individual results may vary, HA injections can durably enhance the diameter of the flaccid and erect penis by areported average of 2.27 ± 1.26 cm at 4 weeks postprocedure.

(Ahn ST, Shim JS, Bae WJ, Kim SW, Kim JJ, Moon DG. Efficacy and safety of penile girth enhancement using hyaluronic acid filler and the clinical impact onejaculation: a multi-center, patient/evaluator-blinded, randomizedactive-controlled trial. World J Mens Health. 2022;40(2):299-307.)